Monday, May 4, 2009


Well life has been crazy lately, and in between finals, moving into a new place, and being sick I haven't had much time to do stuff. But there have been a few moments in between where I've been able to take a break and do a little art on the side. I've recently started sketching in photoshop which is nice. It didn't take me nearly as long to adjust to drawing with a tablet as I thought it would. Anyway, I haven't had time to finish anything but here are a couple WIPs for you guys to check out, there are a bunch of sketches I've been working on also but nothNot sure if I'm liking the middle one, but the other two are turning out relatively decent. The top one has been fun, I very rarely do environment stuff so it has been a welcomed change of pace.

1 comment:

Brandt said...

The top environment is a great! This could be really good if taken to a finish. Don't forget to get some bright highlights in there.